Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards Explained

The first Trials of Osiris of the new season has officially begun, and its new rewards have come with.
The first Trials of Osiris of the new season has officially begun, and its new rewards have come with. / Photo courtesy of Bungie

A new season of Destiny 2 has brought changes to the Trials of Osiris, including its rewards. Trials of Osiris is Destiny 2's endgame PVP mode, where the best of the best compete to get wins, earn exclusive loot, and go to the Lighthouse. Destiny 2's latest season, Season of the Chosen has brought a vendor refresh and some new rewards to the mode.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards Explained

Along with new armor sets, new weapons have been added.
Along with new armor sets, new weapons have been added. / Photo Courtesy of Bungie

New rewards for Trials of Osiris officially came out Friday, and players should be very excited to earn them. Aside from new armor sets for Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters, new weapons have also come. The three new weapons are what appears to be a Caster Frame Sword, similar to Temptation's Hook, a Solar Hand Cannon, and most appealing of all, a returning gun from Destiny 1, the Pulse Rifle Messenger. And it's the last one that is getting the attention of the community right now.

The Messenger Pulse Rifle has been the most exciting gun of Trials
The Messenger Pulse Rifle has been the most exciting gun of Trials / Photo Courtesy of Bungie

The Messenger was a popular Trials of Osiris gun in Destiny 1, but the new version in Destiny 2 looks very powerful. The biggest reason for this is its ability to roll the perk Desperado, a fantastic surprise for many. Desperado is one of the rarest and powerful perks in the game, and before The Messenger, it could only be found in two hard to obtain guns, Redrix's Claymore and Redrix's Broadsword. The perk increases the rate of fire after a precision kill, essentially turning a pulse rifle or auto rifle into what feels like a machine gun. This new variant of the gun is undoubtedly the star of Trials of Osiris.

Players skilled enough to get 7 wins will earn the Fusion Rifle Exile's Curse
Players skilled enough to get 7 wins will earn the Fusion Rifle Exile's Curse / Photo Courtesy of Bungie

For this week, getting three wins in Trials of Osiris will get players a random rolled Messenger, getting 5 will get players a random rolled Tomorrow's Answer, a rocket launcher, and getting 7 will get players a random rolled Exile's Curse, a fusion rifle. Going flawless will gift players a chest piece from the new sets.

Trials have been struggling ever since it was reintroduced in Season of the Worthy, but hopefully, these new rewards can breathe life into a game mode. Still, it does appear that Trials will need to fix some fundamental flaws to make long-term changes, such as its reward structure and matchmaking.