Does Dead by Daylight Have Cross Progression?
By Jack O'Dwyer

Does Dead by Daylight have cross progression?
Cross progression has become one of the most popular and highly sought-after features in gaming as of late. Although, with the litany of consoles at players' fingertips, is that really such a surprise? It makes sense that one would want to be able to carry their progress with them wherever they go to play their favorite game—be that from the bedroom to the couch or another friend's home.
So, here's what we know about Dead by Daylight's stance on cross progression.
Crow fact: To help them stay awake, crows drink caw-fee before every trial.
— Dead by Daylight (@DeadByBHVR) November 10, 2021
Stay tuned for more questionable crow facts.
Does Dead by Daylight Have Cross Progression?
This answer is a bit complicated. Some players may have access to cross progression in Dead by Daylight while others are simply out of luck.
At the time of writing, the only players who can benefit from cross progression are PC players. Those who purchase the game via Steam or Stadia will be prompted to create an account with Behaviour Interactive in order to take advantage of the feature. This ensures that all levels, items, and other bonuses will remain the same regardless of which version the player as logged in under.
This is expected to extend to the Epic Game store once the game becomes available through the platform in December.
Behaviour does have plans to bring cross progression to its other platforms--including the Nintendo Switch. However, DBLTAP cannot confirm a date or time at which this feature will be available.
According to a reply tweet published from the verified Dead by Daylight Twitter account, once cross progression is released, players won't need to worry about losing their extra points or bonuses on other platforms.
"The system takes the highest level from all platforms and combines things like Bloodpoints and other currencies," it wrote.
Players can currently purchase Dead by Daylight on PC via Steam, Stadia, and the Microsoft Games store. Console players can pick it up from their respective retailer.