Does V Die in Cyberpunk 2077?

Whether V dies in Cyberpunk 2077 is all up to the action of the player.
Whether V dies in Cyberpunk 2077 is all up to the action of the player. / CD Projekt Red

Whether V dies in Cyberpunk 2077 is all up to the action of the player.

All good things eventually come to an end—including the plot of Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red implemented several different endings for the game and for its protagonist, V, to wrap up their impact on Night City. While most of these are restricted depending on the player's commitment to following side jobs through, they typically lead to the same crux choice that determines whether V lives on past the final main job.

Spoilers exist beyond this point and we encourage readers who may be sensitive to topics of suicide and self-harm to take caution while reading on.

Does V Die in Cyberpunk 2077?

Technically, no matter what they player chooses, V does eventually die in Cyberpunk 2077. However, the keyword there is "eventually." We'll explain.

We've previously outlined the different paths available at the very end of the main plot. Each choice except one is simply a different means to the same end where V and Johnny are cast back into cyberspace via the access point. From here, the player learns that V's body has malfunctioned so severely that, if they return, they will only have six months left to live before it shuts down completely.

So, the game gives players a choice: let V have their last six months or give their body over to Johnny.

Either way, V does die, it's just up to the player whether their consciousness ends in that moment or at the end of that six month timeframe.

Alternatively, players can choose to immediately end V's life before the final infiltration of the Arasaka headquarters via suicide. The epilogue here is notably somber with V's friends and associates talking about how much they miss them and how they wish it went a different way.