Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Release Delayed

Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor release date has been delayed.
Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor release date has been delayed. / ZeniMax Online, Bethesda Softworks

Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor release date has been delayed. Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)'s newest expansion chapter, Greymoor, has been delayed due to complications from the current coronavirus pandemic, according to a letter written by Game Director Matt Firor.

The statement was uploaded to the game's official news blog last week and includes several other pieces of information regarding ZeniMax's plans for the crisis as well the circumstances surrounding voice overs in France.

Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Delayed

In the letter written by Firor, released on the game's official blog on Apr. 8, he explains the current predicament many entertainment companies are finding themselves in.

"In response to the current pandemic, everyone at ZOS has been working from home since March 16. This is the first time we've ever tried remote work as a studio, and so far things are going well." He writes, "It looks like we’ll be able to ship Update 26 (with the Greymoor Chapter) about a week after we initially planned it."

This means that, while they are currently on track to release both the patch and the chapter on the Public Test Server by Apr. 20, the live release will take around a week longer than planned. Firor goes on to say that he will keep the community updated if this changes.

The estimated date of release could be as late as the end of May for PC and middle of June for console players.

Additionally, he draws attention to the situation in France. ESO is a fully voice-acted game which, unsurprisingly, requires actors to record and ship their lines to be implemented into the game. Due to France's quarantine lockdown, voice actors have not been able record. There is no estimate for when a full French voice over (VO) could be completed.

He writes, "There will be French text and subtitles as normal but only English voice-over for new content... Please note that in normal conditions it takes 2-3 months to record and update the game with VO for a Chapter."

Firor ends the letter by requesting players stay safe and "wash [their] damn hands."