Ezreal Build Season 9: How to Build Ezreal

Ezreal builds in Season 9 emphasize maximizing the champion's damage output and keeping him mobile. While there are always plenty of different ways to kit out a champion in League of Legends, regardless of meta, here's one that serves as a strong baseline.
Ezreal Build Season 9: How to Build Ezreal
Before stepping into a game, League of Legends players running Ezreal should equip Flash and Heal as summoner spells. They should also look to equip runes from the Inspiration tree in the primary line and runes from the Sorcery tree in the secondary. More specifically, players will want to equip the following:
- Primary: Kleptomancy, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight
- Secondary: Manaflow Band, Gathering Storm
Once in a game, players should buy Doran's Blade and a health potion to ensure they can stay in-lane long enough. Next up, players should build Manamune, followed by Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Third on the docket is Ezreal standby Trinity Force, then a Blade of the Ruined King, Lord Dominik's Regards and Guardian Angel.
In terms of skill acquisition, pick in the following order:
- Q
- E
- Q
- W
- Q
- R
- Q
- E
- Q
- E
- R
- E
- E
- W
- W
- R
- W
- W
Photo courtesy of Riot Games