Fall Guys Anatomy: First Looks Revealed

Fall Guys anatomy has been revealed in a striking piece of art posted to their Twitter account.
Fall Guys anatomy has been revealed in a striking piece of art posted to their Twitter account. / Photo courtesy of Devolver Games

Fall Guys anatomy has been revealed in a striking piece of art posted to their Twitter account.

The official lore for the popular Devolver Games title is here, as per the game developers themselves. The tweet claims it was requested, and I guess they've answered.

I'm not sure who exactly asked, but Fall Guys twitter has answered anyway. In a quite interesting Tweet, Fall Guys posted a picture revealing the internal anatomy of their game characters. The reactions have been mixed, to put it nicely. Many seem to be quite put-off by the picture.

Fall Guys Anatomy: First Looks Revealed

The art includes a human body shown for scale purposes. The official height of a Fall Guy is 6 feet tall, with their bodies seeming to contain a mangled human skeleton. Quite possibly the most disturbing part of the picture is the eyes.

The game devs report that this is in fact, a happy Fall Guy, regardless of his zombie-esque appearance. Credit the Fall Guys senior concept artist Tudor Morris, for drawing up the unique looking Fall Guys characters.