Fall Guys Disconnected From Server: What is It and How to Fix

Fall Guys' 'Disconnected From Server' problem has been happening to a lot of players since the game launched.
Fall Guys' 'Disconnected From Server' problem has been happening to a lot of players since the game launched. / Fall Guy

Fall Guys' 'Disconnected From Server' problem has been happening to a lot of players since the game launched. If you have been playing this fun new game then you may have come across a connection or server error message. Here are the best steps to take when confronted with this new glitch.

The most probable reason for these server and connection issues is that Mediatonics servers are being stretched out far and wide because of all the new players logging on to play the hugely popular party game.

Fall Guys Disconnected From Server: What is It and How to Fix

In this case, there is not much a player could really do in a situation like this except to just wait it out and hope for the server issues to be resolved. However, if you are having connection issues, the best suggestion is to do the typical maintenance. Reset your router, and console or PC. Give it a few minutes, and boost it back up. If the problem persists, welcome to playing a popular game with a lack of infrastructure.