Feros, Therum, and Noveria: ME1 Mission Order Guide

Mass Effect players are given a choice concerning the order they want to visit Therum, Feros, and Noveria.
Mass Effect players are given a choice concerning the order they want to visit Therum, Feros, and Noveria. / BioWare, EA

Mass Effect players are given a choice concerning the order they want to visit Therum, Feros, and Noveria.

Following Shepard's rank ascension, the team is given a handful of leads to chase down in order to uncover more of Saren's plans. These involve finding Matriarch Benezia's daughter, Liara T'Soni, on planet Therum, investigating a geth attack on a human colony on Feros, and learning more about geth sightings near a research center in Noveria.

Feros, Therum, and Noveria Mission Order

There is no true "right order" to complete these missions. For the most part, it's up to players to determine the order of importance to them—and, through roleplaying, their Shepard. There is one catch, however.

Players interested in romancing Liara shouldn't leave Therum until last. Perusing Liara after Feros, Noveria, and especially Virmire effectively locks players out of her storyline due to the rapid conclusion of the following missions.

Additionally, doing this has a personal effect on Liara, herself, believing the Normandy shore party to be hallucinations at first and becoming furious when she realizes her years of research are for naught.

Otherwise, the order doesn't impact gameplay in any meaningful way. Feros and Noveria play through the same way they would if Shepard saved them for second or third with characters not bothering to comment on how long it took the commander to get there.

While not on this list, the aforementioned Virmire mission should be left for last, however. Coming so close to Saren begins the last part of the game and leaves very little time for side quests or surveys.