FIFA 19 Server Status: How to Check if the FIFA 19 is Down

fifa 19 server status is checkable by visiting the EA Help account on Twitter.
fifa 19 server status is checkable by visiting the EA Help account on Twitter. /

FIFA 19 server status was a major point of frustration two weeks ago when players were unable to play the game during the weekend.

Servers were down at two different periods affecting FIFA Ultimate Team Champions, the game's flagship competitive mode. It ended up affecting players' matches and placings in the competition leading many to react negatively to EA Sports' response.

Controversy aside, knowing how to check server status is important when experiencing connectivity issues.

Here's everything you need to know about how to check FIFA 19 server status.

FIFA 19 Server Status: How to Check if the FIFA 19 is Down

The No. 1 source for checking FIFA 19 server status is the EA Help Twitter account. It is a first party resource and updates consistently when notices or progression regarding downtime is happening.

Other third party sites such as IsThisServiceDown and DownDetector are also helpful tools. Those experiencing server issues who use these sites can report in specific issues they're having based on location.

Photo courtesy of EA Sports FIFA