Firecracker Diana Skin Splash Art, Price, Release Date, How to Get

"PBE Preview Firecracker Edition!"
"PBE Preview Firecracker Edition!" / Image courtesy of Riot Games

Firecracker Diana was revealed as one of the new skins coming soon to League of Legends.

Along with Tristana, Teemo, Sett, and Xin Zhao, Diana will be included in the new Firecracker skin set releasing soon in Riot Games' annual celebration of the Lunar New Year. These skins are expected to arrive in the next League of Legends patch, 12.2, as reveals like these usually take place two weeks out. Previously, Riot has made Firecracker, or Lunar Revel, skins for Jinx, Annie, Kog'Maw, Vayne, Corki, and Sejuani.

Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming Firecracker Diana skin.

Firecracker Diana Skin Splash Art

Firecracker Diana splash art
Firecracker Diana splash art / Image courtesy of Riot Games

The Firecracker splash art features Diana in the Lunar New Year celebration's customary red, gold, and green color scheme. In the Firecracker skins, Riot Games depicts the League of Legends champions with thematic elements revolving around a firework show at a Lunar New Year celebration.

Firecracker Diana Skin Price

Firecracker Diana's price hasn't been confirmed yet, and won't be until it hits live servers. However, it's expected that this skin, and perhaps the rest in the Firecracker drop will cost 1,350 RP.

Firecracker Diana Skin Release Date

Firecracker Diana's release date isn't confirmed yet, but it is expected to arrive later this month alongside League of Legends patch 12.2, which is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 21, 2022.

How to Get Firecracker Diana

When Firecracker Diana hits live servers, players will be able to purchase it through the in-game item shop.