Frostbearer Catalyst Genshin Impact: How to Earn the Cyro Weapon
By Hayne Cho

In Genshin Impact, Frostbearer Catalyst is a powerful catalyst weapon best subsided for cyro characters.
Yes! I have made the Frostbearer catalyst! #genshinimpact #PS4share
— Eric ? (@neosuicide) January 20, 2021
Frostbearer Catalyst Genshin Impact: How to Earn the Cyro Weapon
Frostbearer Catalyst is a four-star weapon. With a basic attack of 42 and additional statistics as ATK 9%, it is a relatively strong weapon.
By hitting an enemy with normal and charged attacks, the character will have a 60% chance of forming and dropping an everfrost icicle above the enemy. These enemies who are affected by cyro are dealt 200% attack damage.
Players say this is the best-looking catalyst in-game. The weapon holds a shiny red mineral in the middle as it reminds Scarlet Quarts.
Yet as a weapon, people are not using it that much. The main reason for this is because there are no cyro catalyst characters in Genshin Impact. The 200% cyro attack damage will be the main source of damage, and whoever equips this weapon will also require a cyro character on the team.
How to Get Frostbearer Catalyst
Frostbearer Catalyst is thankfully not only obtainable through Wishes unlike many other weapons. Yet it may be even harder to get this weapon in your hands.
Frostbearer Catalyst is achievable through forging. You can get a blueprint of this by reaching level 10 at the Frost Bearing Tree.
Take it to a forger along with the following three items and you will be able to craft a Frostbearer Catalyst:
- Northlander Catalyst Billet x1
- Crystal Chunk x50
- Starsilver
Who to Give Frostbearer Catalyst
If there was a cyro catalyst character, Forstbearer Catalyst would be a great choice. Unfortunately, there are none yet.
Players have been studying who could maximize the use of Frostbearer Catalyst. Here are some recommendations:
- Ningguang
- Mona
- Klee
All three characters will be requiring a cyro character on the team. In the case of Klee, because she is a pyro character, you will have to use a melting composition.
Ningguang is the most compatible character to use Frostbarer Catalyst, but there are obviously better weapons she could use.
Mona is a good choice because hydro and cyro characters typically go well together.
We must all agree that the full potential of this item cannot be achieved until a cyro catalyst character comes out. Since none of the upcoming characters are cyro, we will have to wait more for miHoYo to make an announcement.