Fuggedaboutim Resident Evil 3: How to Unlock the Secret Achievement

Fuggedaboutim is a Resident Evil 3 achievement with a hidden clear condition.
Fuggedaboutim is a Resident Evil 3 achievement with a hidden clear condition. / Courtesy of Capcom

Fuggedaboutim in Resident Evil 3 is an achievement with a mysterious complete-condition, making it hard for players to know how to unlock it. Without knowledge of the clear conditions, players had to mess around in the game, trying to interact with everything they could possibly find, playing trial and error with a massive number of permutations. Here's how to cut out all that trial and error and unlock the achievement in expedited fashion.

Fuggedaboutim Resident Evil 3: How to Unlock the Secret Achievement

The Fuggedaboutim! achievement is tied to the extremely minor character, Dario Rosso, who players will discover when he locks himself in a trailer. In the original game, players can backtrack to his warehouse later in the game and find him eaten.

Players can't do that same backtracking in the remake, and Capcom decided to cut some of his dialogue, removing references to a daughter.

To complete Fuggedaboutim!, players simply need to talk to Dario Rosso until all his dialogue options have been exhausted.