Hearts Wild Cup Fortnite: Everything You Need to Know
By Jack O'Dwyer

The new Hearts Wild Cup in Fortnite allows players to compete to win a Valentine's-themed outfit early.
Epic Games has kicked off its latest lovely Fortnite event, Hearts Wild, as of yesterday, Feb. 8. Alongside several in-game challenges and interests, the company has also started a corresponding competition for eager players looking to get their hands on the latest themed gear.
Love is in the air on the Island and things are gonna get wild... Hearts Wild!
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) February 8, 2021
Find love with Fishstick, Compete in the Hearts Wild Cup to earn an Outfit early, join in on some Team Battles, create your own Papercraft and more ?
Read all about it here: https://t.co/GrBNarsbk9
Hearts Wild Cup Fortnite Details
The Hearts Wild Cup will run from today, Feb. 9 to Monday, Feb 15. It is a strictly Duos competition, meant to unite couples and close friends both in-game and out. Teams will have three hours to complete up to ten matches.
As with all Epic-thrown tournaments, players must be at least 18 years old or 13 with player permission and have accounts level 30 or above. They must have two-factor authentication (2FA) activated, be within the correct competitive region while using the same machine for every match, and follow all rules in the code of conduct.
The highest-scoring team in each server region will receive a Lovely Outfit and Heartblast Back Bling. Winners are chosen based on a system where teams earn points for their placement and number of eliminations. The breakdown goes something like this:
- Victory Royale: 42 Points
- 2nd: 36 Points
- 3rd: 32 Points
- 4th: 30 Points
- 5th: 29 Points
This pattern continues until the ranks drop below 24, where players are instead grouped into brackets:
- 25th-29th: 9 Points
- 30th-34th: 6 Points
- 35th-39th: 3 Points
- 40th-44th: 2 Points
- 45th-50th: 1 Point
Eliminations are added on top with each worth one extra point.
In the event of a tie, the winner is chosen based on most points scored, then most Victory Royales, average eliminations, placements, total time survived, and finally a coin toss.
More information concerning the rules and regulations of the Hearts Wild Cup can be found on Epic's official competitive webpage.