Hitman 3: A Matter of Guilt: Challenge Guide

Hitman 3: A Matter of Guilt is a challenge that appears as part of the Death in the Family mission in Dartmoor.
Hitman 3: A Matter of Guilt is a challenge that appears as part of the Death in the Family mission in Dartmoor. / IO Interactive

Hitman 3: A Matter of Guilt is a challenge that appears as part of the "Death in the Family" mission in Dartmoor.

IO Interactive's (IOI) released the supposed finale to its popular Hitman series, Hitman 3, on Jan. 20. The game is already being praised by fans with the company lauding it as "the biggest digital launch in franchise history." It has received high marks from a variety of critics including IGN, PC Gamer, and more. It is currently available on all major platforms such as PC, Stadia, PlayStation 4 and 5, and the Xbox One, Series X, and Series S.

Hitman 3: A Matter of Guilt

The crux of this task is to uncover all the evidence that points to Zachary's murder at hand actually being a suicide and present it to Alexa Carlisle. There are quite a few pieces scattered throughout the accessible areas.

First, head to his room. There are six pieces to uncover here, starting with his body. From there, investigate:

  • His suicide note
  • His laptop
  • The bottle and glass on the table
  • The secret room which can be accessed via a book on the nearby shelf
  • The building floor plans hidden away in said room

Now, go break into Emma and Gregory's room. You can use the key from Mr. Fensby's office if you have it—or you can bust it open with a crowbar or just pick the lock. Look for a cane with a bulldog immediately right of the threshold and bring it into the library. On the left, there should be a strange switch on the floor which reveals yet another hidden room by using the cane.

Once inside, there should be an unopened letter on a desk before you. Pick it up and open it—after all, you're already killing people for a living, what's a little mail fraud? The letter is from the family's late brother, Montgomery Carlisle, detailing his abdication of the family fortune.

From there, it's just a matter of heading back to Mr. Fernsby, following him to Alexa's office, and accusing Zachary during the scene with all your evidence.