How Long Does Fermentation Take in Valheim?

Fermentation is now quick and simple process in Valheim
Fermentation is now quick and simple process in Valheim / Photo by Iron Gate Studio

How long does fermentation take in Valheim? The Fermenter can be used to ferment mead bases into a variety of potions. Mead bases must be brewed in a Cauldron before they can be placed in a Fermenter.

A Hammer, Workbench, and Forge are all needed to create the Fermenter. Once you have acquired these items, the Fermenter requires the following to craft:

  • 30x Fine wood
  • 10x Resin
  • 5x Bronze

The crafting recipe for the Fermenter and other items can be found on the official Valheim wiki.

How Long Does Fermentation Take in Valheim?

Fermentation takes two in-game days in Valheim, so creating potions is no quick and simple task. A 24-hour day cycle in Valheim lasts 30 minutes of real-world time, so fermentation will take up to an hour to complete. You can not shorten the required time by sleeping.

The best strategy for fermenting in Valheim is to place meads in the Fermenter before you go off on some sort of adventure that will take up some time. This could be done sailing your ship, fighting bosses, or exploring other secrets the game has to offer. It is better to occupy the time needed to ferment meads by exploring the Viking wilderness rather than wait close by.

After two in-game days and an hour of real-time, the fermentation will be finished. Be aware that if you choose to leave your game unattended while doing real activities for an hour, your character could still be killed somehow. The Fermenter will provide six potions for every fermenting process.

Valheim is currently in early access and is exclusively available on Steam.