How to Aim Down Sights (ADS) in Fortnite

Fortnite players want to know how to aim down the sights (ADS) of their weapons in Chapter 3 Season 1.
Fortnite players want to know how to aim down the sights (ADS) of their weapons in Chapter 3 Season 1. / Epic Games

Fortnite players want to know how to aim down the sights (ADS) of their weapons in Chapter 3 Season 1.

In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1: Flipped, one of the very first Seasonal Quests tasks players to damage opponents using a submachine gun or a sniper rifle. This has likely renewed interest in proper/improved aiming when using weapons in Fortnite as the sniper rifle, itself, is known to be a powerful precision weapon. Knowing how to activate the scope and aim down the sights (ADS) of a rifle can improve accuracy and help players complete the quest in record time.

Here's how to ADS in Fortnite.

How to ADS in Fortnite

Unsurprisingly, since ADS-ing is a player mechanic, the process and corresponding control needed to perform the move varies from platform to platform. Additionally, PC players who use controllers may also find their scheme changes based on the type of controller they're using.

On PC, players simply need to press the right mouse-button to ADS.

Xbox and Xbox-controller users will need to press the left trigger to ADS.

PlayStation and PlayStation-controller players will also need to press the left trigger.

Mobile players need to tap the crosshair button at the top right of the screen.

Nintendo Switch players may also need to hold the trigger button on the left joy-con.

Unfortunately, Fortnite doesn't have a true ADS visual for most of its weapons. Sniper rifles are among the few that do employ a scope, of course, but for the most part, players will only experience a slight zoom to know they've properly hit ADS.