How to Build an Elevator in Minecraft

How to build an elevator in Minecraft
How to build an elevator in Minecraft / Mojang Studios

How to build an elevator in Minecraft is a useful schematic to know if you're looking to improve your buildings or quickly get from one level of the world to another.

There are plenty of ways to build an elevator. Whether you're transporting players, items, or mining loot, elevators can be a quick and efficient mode of transportation to build. Due to this, there are several tutorials with each detailing a unique way to get this done—as popular Minecraft Youtuber MrCrayfish does so, below.

How to Build an Elevator in Minecraft

An elevator is a simple shaft needing a button, lift, and power mechanics to operate. According to MrCrayfish, players will need five Redstone dust, two buttons, three sticky pistons, one normal piston, two observer blocks, six slime blocks, two obsidian, and sixty-four other material blocks.

Dig a 3x5x4 deep hole to start construction at the base layer of your home. Place a sticky piston all the way at the back with a regular block in front, a gap, and then an obsidian block.

On top of the obsidian block, place two slime blocks, and then an observer facing upward coming off the first slime block. The observer should be over the gap between the regular block and the obsidian. A second sticky piston should be placed on top of the observer—also facing upwards.

Two more slime blocks should be placed on top of the second sticky piston. Next, place a secondary observer facing downwards toward the first obsidian block with a third now-downward sticky piston fitting in just underneath. The two last slime bocks should be placed on the top of the higher two for a line of four.

On top of the first sticky piston placed, drop another regular block, Redstone dust, and then another regular block on top. Your first button will go on top of that which should be resting adjacent to the ground floor of your home.

Place another normal block so that it reaches the line of slime and forms a bridge. Another regular block can be placed in front of the top slime facing the button. This becomes the platform of your elevator.

Now is the time to decide how high you'd like your elevator. On either side of your platform, build up with however many blocks high you'd like your elevator to be. Leave a space where the platform top will join with the top of your building height and build up for more. Put an obsidian block and regular block facing backward from the button at the collective height with another singular regular block toward the front.

You should have a line of four on the top of your construction. Sprinkle the remaining Redstone dust along the top and put a normal piston facing downward at the obsidian end of the line. Your final button will be placed at the top on the underside of the singular normal block.

After this, you should have a full functional, two-way vertical elevator.