How to Do a Silent Strike in Horizon Forbidden West

Knowing how to do a Silent Strike in Horizon Forbidden West is absolutely essential to sneaking around the game's lush forests and plains. Aloy may be a tough warrior, but there are moments in her quest when discretion becomes the better part of valor. Some enemies, animal or human, are simply too dangerous to be worth taking on every time they show up.
With the Silent Strike, Aloy can also stealthily take out stragglers in a mass of enemies, which makes eliminating the whole squad that much easier. The more enemies you defeat without the others' knowledge, the easier it will be to win the fight when it hits the fan.
How to Do a Silent Strike in Horizon Forbidden West
Performing a Silent Strike in Horizon Forbidden West is a simple maneuver. All the player has to do is sneak up behind an enemy without being detected, then hit R1. Even if the enemy in question spots Aloy just before she executes the Silent Strike, there will still be a small window in which it can be activated.
The Silent Strike can do even more damage by upgrading it through the Infiltrator skill tree, dealing up to 50% more damage at max upgrade.