How to Find Silver In Valheim

Silver is a very useful resource in the game
Silver is a very useful resource in the game / Iron Gate Studios

How do players find silver in Valheim? Valheim is an open-world survival game that was released on Feb. 2 by Iron Gate Studios. It has increased dramatically in popularity as of late, and as such, players may be wondering how to progress in the game. Silver is a resource in the game that can be used to craft very potent and powerful tools. As such, players may be wondering how they can get their hands on some.

How to Find Silver In Valheim

Silver is almost exclusively found underground in mountain biomes in Valheim. Although it's possible to find a few above surface, it'd be unwise to count on such an occurrence happening. Players should instead try to sniff out silver through the Wishbone tool. The Wishbone tool is an item players can get from killing the Bonemass boss.

The WIshbone is a must for players searching for silver.
The WIshbone is a must for players searching for silver. / Photo Courtesy of Iron Gate Studios

The Wishbone essentially acts as a seeker for rare objects and treasures, including silver deposits. Once close by to said deposit, the Wishbone will start to see green particles float around them, accompanied by a "dinging" sound. Once players get closer, the sound should get louder. Just follow the sound until you reach your silver. Now, once you actually get to the silver deposit, players must have a pickaxe of at least iron to mine it out. So, to farm silver, players will need a Wishbone to track deposits down, and an iron pickaxe or above to mine it out.