How to Fly in Valheim

How to fly in Valheim, a simple guide to provide players to unlock the feature on PC. Enabling the fly feature in Valheim provides beneficial advantages to exploring the brutal survival experience on the lands of Valheim. Here are the steps to enabling the feature:
How to Fly in Valheim Using Console Commands
Before starting, save the game on your PC so we don't have any accidents during this process. Start by pressing the F5 to activate the console. The console command takes up half of your screen, so be sure to position your character in a safe space.
Type "imacheater" all lower case and hit enter to activate and deactivate the cheat — looks like the game developers knew players would want an "advantage". With the cheat activated, you will see the next command line read, "Cheats: True", to let the user know the code has been activated. it will return to "Cheats: False" once turned off.
Next, type "debugmode" and hit enter. The console command will prompt the user with a true or false next to the code, again letting users know when it's activated or deactivated to avoid mistakes in-game.
Then, press F5 on your keyboard again to close the console command entirely.
Finally, press the Z key within pinky reach to activate flying in Valheim.
Advantage and Disadvantages of Flying
Enjoying this newfound freedom to explore Velhiem comes with pros and cons. The pros are flying at a set speed in the game and going back to your old body when players died to gather their stuff back. The cheat does not make players invincible, however, and they can take damage when flying — one reason for the limited flight speed.