How to Furnish and Build a House in Genshin Impact
By Hayne Cho

Housing and furniture is a new feature in Genshin Impact that was updated in the 1.5 patch. Players are given a space to customize their own house and furnish the inside as well. There are pre-requisites and multiple steps that must be taken to be able to do this.
How to Furnish and Build a House in Genshin Impact
The new patch of Genshin Impact arrived Tuesday. The full patch note from miHoYo can be found here. New features have been added to the game, along with what miHoYo calls "creation." Houses and furniture can be crafted in a separate world in the game called the Serenitea Pot. Materials to craft can be found throughout the Tibet continent.
In the Serenitea Pot realm, players will be able to craft and place the following:
- Buildings
- Furniture
- Decorations, plants, ornaments
- Animals
- Geological features
There are other features than what are listed above- make sure to check it out once you get your own pot! Players can also visit each others' realm in Co-Op Mode.
How to Get the Serenitea Pot
Serenitea Pot is a reward given to players who finishes 'A Teapot to Call Home: Part I' Quest. It is a world quest given to players who have an Adventure Rank higher than 35 and have completed 'A New Star Approaches' quest. 'A Teapot to Call Home: Part I' gives the Serenitea Pot as well as two blueprints and an Open-Air Workshop to get players started with crafting.
How to Decorate My Realm
Once players rub their teapot, they will first be asked to choose one of the three realm themes. Once this is done, players can talk to Tubby for detailed instructions for the housing system. Now you can start building your dream home!
How to Find Materials for Crafting
There are over 10 blueprints that can be crafted into furniture and over 30 that can be purchased. Main materials used to craft furniture include wood, dye, fabric, etc. These can all be crafted from natural ingredients or collectible from the wilderness.
For full information of Version 1.5 and a walk through for the housing system, you can check out miHoYo's official YouTube video.