How to Get the Wakizashi Sword In Black Ops Cold War

How To Get The Wakizashi Sword In Black Ops Cold War
How To Get The Wakizashi Sword In Black Ops Cold War / Photo by Activision Blizzard/Treyarch

Earning the Wakizashi Sword in Black Ops Cold War is rather tedious.

The Wakizashi Sword is a brand new melee weapon that was added to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War in the recent Season 1 Reloaded content drop that was released on Jan. 14. With this relatively small Japanese sword in hand, you'll be able to make short work of your opponents. The challenge for this particular weapon isn't all that unreasonable, but nevertheless, here is a quick guide on how you can acquire the Wakizashi Sword for yourself in Black Ops Cold War.

How to Get the Wakizashi Sword in Black Ops Cold War

In order to obtain the Wakizashi melee weapon, players will need to complete the following challenge: "Execute 2 finishing moves in 10 different matches with the Combat Knife."

While it may not sound like you have to do a whole lot, as many cod players know, getting an execution in a game can be quite difficult to manage once let alone twice. Not to worry though as we are here to provide you with a few tips on how best to accomplish this task.

For starters, you will definitely need to equip both the Ghost and Ninja perks. This can be easily done be equipping either the Law Breaker or Perk Greed wildcards in your Custom Classes. While your choice of primary weapon won't really matter in the scheme of things since you have to use your knife to complete this challenge, we would recommend equipping an SMG so that you can get out of hairy situations while still moving relatively fast.

Next, you will want to focus on playing on some of the smaller maps in multiplayer like Crossroads Strike and Nuketown as they will provide you with the best opportunities to get behind the enemy team quicker. Another map that could offer you a chance to complete this task quickly is the full-size Armada map where-in you can just sneak up on some unsuspecting snipers who will undoubtedly be camping their spawn. The best game modes to do this one would likely be TDM, Domination, Free-For-All, 12 vs 12 Domination, and if you are feeling lucky, Search & Destroy.

Good luck out there COD Players, we hope that this information will prove most useful in your quest to acquire the epic new Wakizashi sword.