How to Level up Weapons Fast in Black Ops Cold War

Leveling up Weapons takes time in Black Ops Cold War, but we have come up with some suggestions that help the process move along faster.
With Double Weapon XP extended through Nov. 17, players have an extra 48 hours to grind and level up their weapons. But when the extension runs out, we've got you covered so that you can continue to level up your weapons at a rapid rate.
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How to Level up Weapons Fast in Black Ops Cold War
Game Modes (Hardcore, Objective, Large-Scale)
These game modes are not meant to level up weapons faster, but the fact that matches in objective or larger format playlists last longer give players more opportunities to get kills and chain eliminations together for better XP.
Combined Arms and Fireteam: Dirty Bomb are two of the best modes to help gain XP for leveling up weapons. You want the modes to last as long as possible. That is why Plunder has been so important for Call of Duty: Warzone. The longer a playlist lasts, the more XP and familiar a player gets with their weapons.
The smaller modes can help boost XP as well, such as Domination, Hardpoint, and Control. It is not recommend to go into Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, and Kill Confirmed with the intention of leveling up weapons.
Hardcore is great for leveling up weapons because it lowers everyone's health. This means the odds of headshots and stringing kills together goes way up.
PlayStation Party Boost
One of the perks of playing on PlayStation is there is a 25 percent bonus weapon XP to all users playing together in a party.
While this deal is only exclusive to PlayStation players, the user does not have to be in a party with only PlayStation teammates. This deal is extended to cross-platform parties even though only the PlayStation player gets the extra XP.
A new feature in Black Ops Cold War is that XP and weapon XP is shared between all game modes. This means players that enjoy Zombies, can also level up their weapons just the same as in multiplayer.