How to Modify Armor and Weapons in Mass Effect
By Jack O'Dwyer

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has combined three separate franchise titles—meaning players have three different upgrade systems to worry about.
The process of upgrading or modifying weapons and armor in Mass Effect changes with every game. This is likely due to the time needed to develop the additional titles following each chronological release. The first game launched in 2007 and the last in 2012, meaning a total of five years spanned the development of the entire main series. A lot can change in five years, can't it?
"Shepard, I backed you when I was just a kid on her Pilgrimage. I backed you when the Normandy was a Cerberus ship. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t back you now?" #MassEffect
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) May 17, 2021
Mass Effect LE: Modify Armor and Weapons
The process of upgrading weapons and armor differs among all three games included in Legendary Edition. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, we've broken down each method according to its corresponding game.
Mass Effect
Weapons and armor can be swapped out, equipped, and modified at any time through the Mission Computer/Pause screen menu. Steps to do so are as follows:
- Bring up the Mission Computer menu.
- Navigate to and select the Equipment tab on the wheel.
- Swap to the character whose gear you want to work on.
- Shift to the gear category you want to change.
- The section of the upper left displays the currently equipped gear. Tab the button displayed on the left of that section to bring up the modification menu.
- Scroll through and select the desire modification to equip it.
Mass Effect 2
Modifications are now known as "Upgrades" and can be either found or researched. Armor and weapons have been separated and can be worked on in different locations.
Armor can be customized and modified via the Captain's Quarters aboard the Normandy. Shepard's locker is there, and players will be able to swap out their armor pieces and associated upgrades by using this interface.
Weapons can be upgraded by speaking with Mordin aboard the Normandy. He can usually be found in the Research Lab on the Center Deck of the ship. He will do the hard work for you.
An update for #MassEffect Legendary Edition is now live!
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) May 17, 2021
Full details:
Mass Effect 3
Weapons and armor are still separated in this game and must be modified separately. Additionally, players are still required to use Shepard's Locker in the Normandy to access their armor and equip various pieces.
Weapons have changed again with a new interface specifically developed to modify them. Upgrades and Modifications have been defined into two separate categories—improving a weapon's base stats and equipping additional abilities, respectively. Work done on a weapon should be done through the Workbench in the Cargo Bay of the Normandy.