How to Open the Nakatomi Plaza Vault in Warzone

Warzone players are looking to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault and collect the treasures inside.
Warzone players are looking to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault and collect the treasures inside. / Activision

Warzone players are looking to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault and collect the treasures inside.

There are several steps required to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault. Some of these can feel tedious, of course, but they're well worth the prizes that wait inside—namely, a boatload of cash. In fact, some may even enjoy them, as they're made to be reminiscent of the film the entire location is based on. Warzone players will need to relive the iconic journey of 80s action hero John McClane.

How to Open the Nakatomi Plaza Vault in Warzone

The first step is to complete the three Nakatomi Plaza side missions: Unfinished Business, Hostile Fire, and Deal Gone Wrong.

Unfinished Business is picked up by players when they physically pick up one of the contracts littered all over the new location. This mission requires players to open three crates.

Hostile Fire is a remake of Han's Gruber's attempt to blow the whole plaza away for good. In the non-existent shoes of John McClane, players will need to find and disarm four explosive caches within the building, itself. If that wasn't enough pressure, players will also be pursued and consistently attacked by a helicopter.

Deal Gone Wrong mimics an illicit deal that takes a rather deadly turn. Players will need to head to the parking lot and survive waves of enemies increasing in difficulty.

After each mission, players will receive a keycard that can be used to open the vault—numbering three in total, obviously.

Opening the Vault

The vault is located on the 31st floor of the Nakatomi Plaza tower. Players should interact with the large black storage container with four mini-televisions stacked on top of it. This will open a door that reveals a set of further containers that can be opened with the three keycards. Each one has a certain amount of cash that can be collected and used at any Buy Station.

Players should be cautious when embarking on this journey, however. They won't be the only one trying to ransack Nakatomi Plaza.