How to Refund League of Legends: Champions, Skins, RP

To refund League of Legends items, players will need refund tokens
To refund League of Legends items, players will need refund tokens / Riot Games

How to refund League of Legends purchases can be exceedingly easy or impossible based on one simple variable. The game uses a token system to provide players with refunds, but these tokens are limited in number. Here's how to use them, and how to get more.

How to Refund League of Legends: Champions, Skins, RP

Every League of Legends player is entitled to three refund tokens. These tokens can be used to get a full refund on any skin, champion, or other cosmetic they've ever purchased using RP or Blue Essence, with no questions asked. Players also receive an additional token year for a maximum of three tokens held simultaneously.

Players can also return unused items in the game client within a week of the purchase without spending a refund token. Bundles, event passes and account transfers are not eligible for these refunds.

Riot Games is also offering players a free refund token if they have used any of their refund tokens. These additional tokens can be used on anything purchased in the last 90 days.

To use refund tokens, players must navigate to the Shop, then to their account in the top right of the shop. There they'll find their purchase history, which will offer them the chance to refund any of those purchases.