How to Repair Tools in Valheim
By Jack O'Dwyer

Newly delivered Valheim Vikings are trying to figure out how to repair tools in the most efficient way possible.
Developed by Iron Gate AB and published by Coffee Stain Publishing on Feb. 2, Valheim is the latest survival game based on the myths and legends of ancient Viking raiders. As recently battle-slain warriors, players find themselves delivered to the mysterious tenth realm known as "Valheim." They are tasked with defeating great beasts and enemies of Odin to finally bring order to the realm.
Bringing order, of course, means they'll need their gear in top shape.
Leather tunic, leather pants, leather helmet and a deer hide cape. Did you craft the whole set? ?#Valheim #Survival #Vikings
— Valheim (@Valheimgame) February 11, 2021
How to Repair Tools in Valheim
First, players will need a wooden workbench. They can craft this using ten wood—just be sure to keep it sheltered from the weather and other elements to ensure its longevity. Other craftable repair structures include a smelter to melt down metals and a forge to form them into pieces.
Players need only approach the bench and open its menu using the "E" key. On the left side, they should see a tab sticking out that says "Repair an Item." There isn't a particular way to select which item to repair, so they'll need to keep clicking the tab until all their tools or the one they need are fixed.
Aside from gear and weapons, players can also repair buildings and other structures by equipping the hammer tool, mousing over damaged tiles, and clicking to restore them to their former strength.
Players can check their items' durability by glancing up at the white indicator bar at the top right of their screen or in their inventory. As the bar goes down, so does the item's time on this plane. It's important to repair tools before they hit the bottom of the barrel to avoid getting caught in the wild without a suitable weapon.
Valheim is currently in Early Access and available for $19.99 on Steam for Windows and Linux machines. More information about the game can be found on its official website.