How to Request a Trade in MLB the Show 20

How to Request a Trade in MLB the Show 20 is what everyone wants to know when it comes to Road to the Show, the game's premier feature.
How to Request a Trade in MLB the Show 20 is what everyone wants to know when it comes to Road to the Show, the game's premier feature. / Image by Sony Interactive Entertainment

How to Request a Trade in MLB the Show 20 is what everyone wants to know when it comes to Road to the Show, the game's premier feature.

In Road to the Show, you get to start out in the minor leagues and work your way to the main show, which is the Major Leagues. There are some ways to reach the Majors quickly, and one of the ways is by requesting a trade to another team to stand a better chance at a roster spot. Or maybe, you just want to be on another team in general, Whatever the case, here's how to your change colors.

How to Request a Trade in MLB the Show 20

First you have to hire an agent, and once that's done, you can request a trade through them. You can eventually get sent to another team, but if it doesn't work, you can wait to become a free agent to switch teams. But keep an eye out for when your agent asks if you want to be traded, and that is when you stand your best chance of switching over to another team.