How to Romance Ashley Williams in Mass Effect LE
By Ayrton Lauw

As Mass Effect has been released yet again, players are wanting to rekindle or start their romantic interests in the game with Ashley Williams.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition has just released on Friday which will leave many wanting to start their space soap opera from scratch or to experience it yet again while being able to play the other games within the bundle. The games are well known for dialogue and its story, and one of the better additions to the game was the choice of being able to romance other characters in the game. One of the choices is Ashley.
How to Romance Ashley Williams in Mass Effect LE
In order to have your romance in space with Ashley Williams, Shepard will have to be a male character. The main key of this journey with Ashley is that you will need to talk to her frequently while you're on the Normandy. Dialogue between Shepard and Ashley will occur right away after the prologue mission in Eden Prime which will eventually foster a romantic relationship.
Once you finish a mission on Feros, Noveria or Therum, you'll be able to continue building the relationship with her in the Normandy as you progress in the story. Make sure the choices of dialogue build upon the intimacy between Shepard and her in order to continue swooning her.
Liara T'Soni will bring you to a difficult choice when wanting to pursue further relations with Ashley, as you will be given the choice to romance either of them. However, if you are still sprung on Ashley, remain loyal and break Liara's asari heart when given the choice between the two.
Your true test of loyalty will be tested when you're on the assault mission on Virmire. As you start to process a massive turning point in the story of the game, you'll then have to make a sacrifice, either saving Kaidan Alenko or choosing the girl you decided to read on how to romance with, Ashley. It will be difficult as Kaidan does complements Shepard's abilities a standard playthrough, but we're here for a great love story.
When reaching the final missions of the game, Ashley will come into your quarters and you'll be given some dialogue which will lead into a romantic cutscene between the two. If you have chosen Paragon options in dialogue, it will conclude the relationship, however choosing Renegade options will have Ashley leave, but you will able to continue your relationship with her in the next game.