How to Romance Miranda Lawson Mass Effect Legendary Edition
By Ayrton Lauw

In the empty realm of space that is present in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, it can get quite lonely, if you're looking for an amazing companion in your playthrough, look no further as Miranda Lawson's relationship with Shepard is one of the best storylines in the game.
How to Romance Miranda Lawson Mass Effect Legendary Edition
In order to have your intimate relationship with Miranda Lawson, you must first play as a male Shepard as that will be the only way to romance her. Unfortunately, you should not dispute with Miranda, otherwise, you will lose her loyalty and could stop the love story dead in its tracks when that happens.
After the mission on Horizon, Shepard will be given a task to travel to Illium in order to complete Miranda's loyalty mission, which you will have to complete and not fail. After saving Miranda's sister, Oriana, she will pledge her loyalty to Shepard and you will be able to go to her office to converse.
You'll have to choose Paragon options in the dialogue in order to make this relationship romantic, however, after she says, "The only things I can take credit for are my mistakes," you will be able to stray off the Paragon dialogue and can choose either Paragon or Renegade options in conversations with Miranda. You can steal a kiss from her if you choose "You're Jealous" in the dialogue following, regardless, you're now primed to pursue a further relationship with her.
A pivotal point will come later as Shepard completes Jack's loyalty mission in which you will be given the choice to choose to pick a side between Miranda or Jack. If you have chosen a lot of Paragon options in conversations with both of them, you'll be able to choose a neutral path in between, which is ideal, and the conflict will be later resolved after the mission with the Collectors is over.
If you choose to side with Miranda, you'll lose Jack's loyalty, however, you will be given a chance to regain that loyalty in a conversation later on. However, if you are also in a relationship with Jack, that will end your relationship with her - but you're reading this to be with Miranda anyways.
When the relationship does turn to be successful between Shepard and Miranda, you'll be able to become more intimate with her in the game and be invited by Miranda to the engine room of the ship for an intimate scene between the two.
At the suicide mission, if you want to continue this relationship into the next game, you will need to keep Miranda alive. Do not put her as a Biotic Specialist in the mission, otherwise she may die, and you must keep tabs on her from accidentally being killed during other parts of the mission. After the credits are done, you're able to be with Miranda again and can continue this fling for Mass Effect 3.