How to See MMR in Rocket League

Seeing your MMR in Rocket League requires the help of outside sources.
Seeing your MMR in Rocket League requires the help of outside sources. / Credit: Psyonix

How to see MMR in Rocket League is all about the help of outside sources.

MMR, otherwise known as matchmaking rank, is a concealed value that represents your skill within Rocket League. Each playlist within the game has its own MMR threshold for each rank with some of the best players having the highest MMRs.

However, within Rocket League itself, this value is hard to determine without external help. In essence, Rocket League displays to players their ranks, but not their MMR values.

How to See MMR in Rocket League

In-order-see MMR in Rocket League on PC, players can install the Alpha Console mod. Once downloaded, players will be presented within a plethora of options for displaying the MMR for individual playlists. The Alpha Console mod can show the MMR of each player within your games as well as each team's average MMR.

Unfortunately for console players, they will need to work a little harder using tracking websites like Rocket League Tracker to determine where they stand within the game's competitive playlists.