How to Show Ping and FPS in Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) matches are often long games that you may want to see how your game performs while you're playing. Here's how to show ping and FPS in Teamfight Tactics.
... is it the weekend yet?
— Teamfight Tactics (@TFT) December 8, 2021
How to Show Ping and FPS in Teamfight Tactics
There is no option to toggle the display in the League of Legends client and must be toggled in the in-game options menu.
While you're in a TFT game, press the 'ESC' key to open up the options menu, and in the 'Hotkeys' tab, there is a 'Display' menu. Click 'Toggle FPS Display' and in the top right corner, your FPS and ping statistics will show. You can set up two different hotkeys to toggle the FPS display.
The default hotkey to toggle your fps counter is 'CTRL' and 'F'. You can also change this hotkey and feel free to toggle the FPS display anytime in the game.