How to Sprint in Madden 20

Knowing how and when to sprint can help your running back hit the gaps harder.
Knowing how and when to sprint can help your running back hit the gaps harder. / EA Sports

Knowing how and when to sprint can help your running back hit the gaps harder and set yourself up for big gains on the ground. In Madden 20, dominating the run game is the key to keeping good defenses on their toes.

How to Sprint in Madden 20

To sprint or move faster in Madden 20, all you have to do is tap or hold the R2 button on the PlayStation 4 or the RT button on the Xbox One.

The direction of the left analog stick on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will control which direction the player sprints.

Be warned, in Madden 20 sprinting comes at a cost. If you attempt to make a turn or a sharp cut while sprinting, the runner will slow down and the controls will feel a bit sluggish. So knowing when to sprint is crucial for success on the ground.

When to Sprint in Madden 20

The temptation, especially for players of previous installments of the Madden franchise, is to hold down the sprint button as soon as the running back receives the ball. But in Madden 20, holding down the spring button right after getting the handoff will actually cause the play to break down quickly, resulting in either a negligible gain or even a loss of yards.

Instead, simply follow your blockers using the left analog stick while occasionally tapping the sprint button. Once you reach the open field, you'll want to create separation from the defense, then hold down on the sprint button. This will allow your running back to make more explosive cuts and get into the open field more often.

For more tips on how to excel in the running game, check out our guide on how to stiff arm and showboat in Madden 20.