How to Strip the Ball on Madden 20 PS4

How to strip the ball on Madden 20 on the PS4 is a risky gamble for players.
How to strip the ball on Madden 20 on the PS4 is a risky gamble for players. / Photo courtesy of EA Sports

How to strip the ball on Madden 20 on the PS4 is a risky gamble for players. Yes, it may cause more fumbles and turnovers, but you can also have a lot of missed tackles.

Madden 20 mechanics are funky and can cause players to pull their hair out. The amount of times star players have turnovers is unbelievable, so increasing your chance at causing a fumble is smart.

How to Strip the Ball on Madden 20 PS4

When you're about to make a tackle, hit the R1 button. Your athlete will swipe or poke at the ball, but will also have a looser grip on the player. Good running backs should be able to break tackles or hold onto the ball tighter.

Now, that you know how to strip the ball, you should try showboating when you're about to score. You may not want to do it during a matchmaking game. The competitive scene is vibrant and has quite a few players.

Although the exact number of players is uncertain, it seems there's approximately 8 million Madden 20 players spread across the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.