How to Thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite

Here's how to thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite, on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile.
By searching for this little how-to, it leads me to believe that you've been leaving the Battle Bus without thanking the kindly Bus Driver. Here in England, that's a social faux pas like no other. Introduced to Fortnite in 2018, this simple feature serves as a sort of easter egg for players. After all, it's always good to prove just how much of an upstanding citizen you are before blasting your fellow passengers to bits on the battle field.
Luckily, this action is incredibly simple to pull off. So, here's what you need to know.
You should have known she’d return…?
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) October 19, 2021
Beware Fortnitemares: Wrath of the Cube Queen happening now until November 1.
How to Thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite
Owing to all of the different controls present across platforms, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. So, we've listed out how to thank the Bus Driver on the various versions of the game:
- PlayStation 4: Press 'down' on the d-pad.
- PlayStation 5: Press 'down' on the d-pad.
- Nintendo Switch: Press 'down' on the d-pad.
- Xbox One: Press 'down' on the d-pad.
- Xbox Series X|S: Press 'down' on the d-pad.
- Mobile: Press the 'emote' button on the screen.
- PC: Press 'B' on the keyboard.
You'll need to press the appropriate button before you leave the Battle Bus, though. It's no use trying to scream your appreciation as you're falling through the sky. Of course, these guidelines only apply to the default controls for each platform so if you've remapped your emote controls you'll need to press that one instead.
You'll know you've been successful when you see your name pop up in the bottom-left of the screen, saying "[username] has thanked the Bus Driver."
Why Thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite?
Because they deserve respect? Yes, but also the action doesn't serve much purpose in-game. As mentioned, it's more of a fun little easter egg. That being said, occassionally there will be some challenges that may ask you to thank the bus driver a number of times.
This challenge is a nice, simple one to complete and can net you a decent amount of XP for something so easy. In Chapter 2, Season 8, a Weekly Punchcard asks players to thank the Bus Driver a number of times. You can only thank them once per match, though, so it will take a few games to complete.