How to Unlock Gold, Diamond and DM Ultra Camos in Black Ops Cold War

The hardest camo to unlock in Black Ops Cold War is Dark Matter Ultra.
The hardest camo to unlock in Black Ops Cold War is Dark Matter Ultra. / Photo courtesy of Treyarch

How to unlock Gold, Diamond and DM Ultra camos in Black Ops Cold War is a hot question on day one as players sprint out of the gates looking to complete the game's toughest challenges.

An annual tradition at the start of every Call of Duty release, grinding out all the weapon camos in multiplayer is something a lot of players will be doing in the game's early days. Here's how to get the job done in Black Ops Cold War.

How to Unlock Gold, Diamond and DM Ultra Camos in Black Ops Cold War

In Black Ops Cold War, every gun has seven weapon camo categories to complete:

  • Spray: 50 (Launchers), 75 (Melees), 150 (Pistols), 200 (Shotguns, Snipers), 300 (ARs, LMGs, SMGs, Tactical Rifles) eliminations
  • Stripes: 50 (Pistols, Shotguns, Snipers), 75 (SMGs), 100 (ARs, LMGs, Tactical Rifles) headshots; destroy 50 equipment, scorestreaks or vehicles (Launchers); 25 backstabs (Melees)
  • Classic: 3 (Launchers), 5 (ARs, LMGs, Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, Snipers, Tactical Rifles) kills without dying 20 times, each kill with the equipped weapon; 25 finishing moves (Melees)
  • Geometric: 25 (Pistols), 50 (ARs, LMGs, Shotguns, SMGs, Snipers, Tactical Rifles) longshots; destroy 50 ground-based scorestreaks or vehicles (Launchers); kill 50 enemies while injured (Melees)
  • Flora: 25 (Pistols), 75 (ARs, LMGs, Shotguns, SMGs, Tactical Rifles) enemies stunned, blinded or detected by your scorestreaks, equipment or field upgrades; destroy 60 aerial scorestreaks or vehicles; 50 kills while sliding (Melees); 50 kills while holding your breath (Snipers)
  • Science: shoot and kill 25 (Pistols), 50 (ARs, LMGs, Tactical Rifles) enemies taking cover from you; destroy 3 scorestreaks or enemy vehicles in a single game 10 times (Launchers); kill 50 enemies disoriented by flash, stuns or smoke grenades (Melees); 75 point-blank kills (Shotguns, SMGs); 50 one shot kills (Snipers)
  • Psychedelic: kill 2 or more enemies rapidly 25 times

Collect all 35 multiplayer camos for any weapon to unlock its Gold camo.

The Diamond camo steps it up a notch. Once you've collected all the Gold camos for a weapon category, you'll then have the Diamond camo unlocked for each of them as well.

Lastly, the Dark Matter Ultra camo challenge will easily take the longest to complete.

Only after completing all of the weapon camo challenges for every day-one primary and secondary in multiplayer—unlocking every Gold and Diamond camo for the nine weapon classes in the process—will you be awarded the DM Ultra camo.