How to Unlock Zandalari Trolls in WoW: Shadowlands
By Jack O'Dwyer

The process of how to unlock Zandalari Trolls in WoW: Shadowlands is much shorter than it used to be.
World of Warcraft (WoW) first introduced the Zandalari Trolls as allies to the Horde during Battle for Azeroth(BFA)—an expansion that attempted to revive the old faction war after years of two working in tandem against larger threats. The Zandalari, who rule over the island nation of Zandalar, worked to help the Horde—and, by extension, then-Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner—achieve their goals.
Now, players can unlock them as a Horde Allied Race and truly become a citizen of Zandalar.
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How to Unlock Zandalari Trolls in WoW: Shadowlands
Players will need to complete some of the BFA storyline on the Horde side in order to get access to Horde Allied Races. Some of these can be unlocked early on while others require specific quests or achievements to be completed before becoming available.
Zandalari Trolls need players to complete the Horde Campaign through to Patch 8.1 and the achievements "Zandalar Forever!" The 8.1 Campaign has its own pre-requisite achievement, "Ready for War."
Horde War Campaign 8.1: Ready for War Achievement
Ready for War has eight stages of which three correspond to a part on the map and the other five are tied in with the expansion finale:
- Drustvar Foothold
- Stormsong Valley Foothold
- Tiragarde Sound Foothold
- The First Assault
- The Marshal's Grave
- Death of a Tidesage
- At the Bottom of the Sea
- The Strike on Boralus
Players likely won't have access to anything beyond the first three steps until they ping level 50. Once there, the first part of the Horde War Campaign should automatically unlock for them. Simply follow it through to the end to get the Tides of Vengeance achievement—marking the campaign complete.
Zandalar Forever! Achievement
Zandalar Forever has five stages with the first four corresponding to a different territory or questline and the last coming at the end of the scenario of the same name:
- The Throne of Zuldazar
- The Dark Heart of Nazmir
- Secrets in the Sands
- A Bargain of Blood
- The Final Seal
These two events essentially complete the BFA story and allow players to effectively add the Zandalari Trolls to their character roster.