I Love You, Colonel Sanders Walkthrough: How to Get True Ending
By Andrew Lin

I Love You, Colonel Sanders walkthrough will help you get the true ending of the advertisement turned dating sim. There will be spoilers in this guide!
I Love You Colonel Sanders Walkthrough: How to Get True Ending
The normal ending of the game has the Colonel ask you to be his business partner. There are a few bad endings where catastrophe strikes (and some where you die).
The true ending of the game is more like a bonus, as the story doesn't have a substantial twist. Here are the dialogue choices you have to pick to get the bonus ending. You'll know you picked the right ones when the Colonel glows with hearts.
Chapter 1
- Smack that clock! Up and at ‘em!
- You allow yourself to daydream a bit, thinking about the future.
- Change the subject to school gossip.
- Take the handkerchief
- Chicken snack
- Sit by Colonel Sanders
Pop Quiz:
- Extremely, Looking at you Pops
- Feather
- A spork
- Anything as long as its made with love and not too much salt
- He’s a talking dog that teaches at culinary school… he is the BEST BOY!
Chapter 2
- Focus your mind and mediate on this moment. Try and identify every flavor.
Chapter 3
- Be modest but thoughtful.
- Clank
- Your grandmother's mashed potatoes and gravy.
- Turn to Colonel Sanders, hunk of hunks, in your time of need.
Chapter 4
- Attack or Defend (This choice doesn't matter)
- Spare this wretched beast.
Chapter 5
- Make up a fake ingredient.
- Run to him!
- Compliment the craftsmanship of the horse's shoes.
- Act like you're not interested.
- A dog biscuit.
Chapter 6
- Step up and tell them, "You're on!"
- 100°C.
- 11.
- Gratitude.
- A small town where big dreams are born.
- Silence.
- (Your choices here don't matter)
- Internalize your rage.
Chapter 7
- Reveal it.
- (Click on whatever you want to learn more about the Colonel)
- Click on the glowing door.
- You fess up and tell the truth.
Chapter 8
- Flatter him.
Chapter 9
- Don't do it after all. (The game won't let you forget)
- He must be hungry!
- Fess up about your practice dish.
Chapter 10
- Do it the hard way.
- You summon extra power from deep inside yourself.
- You can adopt the Spork Monster. This is the secret ending!
Photo courtesy of KFC