Is Blight Survival on Xbox Game Pass?

Haenir Studio

Blight Survival has taken over the gaming world. Since IGN leaked its trailer on Nov. 2, everyone has been anticipating the release of the action-horror game. The trailer gave a deep look into the gameplay and lore of Blight Survival, but there was no information on where the game is playable or when it will be released. With the start of November, the Xbox Game Pass is getting its new roster of games, and players are wondering if Blight Survival has made that list. 

Set during the fourteenth century, medieval times, a deadly plague has swept through the two battling cities of Blight Survival. Players can team with up to three friends to go up against the zombies that were infected by the disease amidst a war. 

Is Blight Survival on Xbox Game Pass?

As of now, the only playable system confirmed for the game is on the PC, however, developers are optimistic that the game will be available for console. With this, there has not been an official statement of whether the game will be offered on the Xbox Game Pass. We will have to wait and see that if after the developers are able to establish a partnership with Xbox, they decide that will be a good fit for the Xbox Game Pass.