League of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

League of Legends Patch 11.4 goes live the week of Feb. 15, and with it comes some changes to champions that players love as well as a few items. Most changes targeted jungler champions, so the mid lane tier list will not have too many changes. Similar to the last patch, assassins with high-burst damage remain viable options.
11.4 Preview with full changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) February 9, 2021
Nearly final but a few things may still change. pic.twitter.com/RvelKoau9E
League of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List
1. S-Tier Champions
With a newly reduced cooldown to his second ability, and an increase in his attack-damage output, Talon is in the highest tier bracket this patch. As predicted, assassins that deal physical damage like Yasuo and Yone are still strong picks in this patch. Ability-power mage assassins like Katarina and Ahri saw some direct and indirect buffs. Katarina's ultimate ability now deals an increased amount of damage, making her even stronger in the late game. Morellonomicon's increased ability-power is bound to increase Ahri's high burst damage. The item can also benefit another champion on the list, Anivia, who despite not being as mobile makes it to the S-tier thanks to her crowd control and versatility.
2. A-Tier Champions
After the buffs he received in 11.3, Sylas became an A-tier mid-laner. Assassins like Kassadin, Qiyana and Diana are good picks although their lane phases might not be as strong as the control mages. Speaking of control mages, despite being immobile, champions like Vladimir, Orianna, Heimerdinger, Cassiopeia and Swain make for great contributors during team fights and still have enough to fight on their own.
3. B-Tier Champions
Most champions in the tier-list have perform well against specific match-ups, such as Aurelion Sol, Lux and Brand. Their lack of mobility makes them vulnerable if they are up against assassins, but they still contribute a lot to team fights. Some ability based mages that are viable in this tier are Xerath, Zilean, Zoe, Malzahar, Galio, Twisted Fate, and Morgana. For mixed-damage or physical damage, Akali, Sett, Kayle, and Kog'Maw are other options.
4. C-Tier Champions
With a buff that decreases the mana cost of his first ability, Veigar might make a comeback this patch because of how much damage he will be able to deal now. Despite multiple nerfs, Zoe was not performing as bad as predicted, which is why she moved up a spot. But with champions like Talon and Katarina high on the list, this makes immobile champions like Syndra, Ziggs, Ryze and Lissandra in a vulnerable position. Others like Ezreal, Tristana and Corki do stand a chance, but because this is reliant on the skill of each player, they are in the C-tier for now.
5. D-Tier Champion
Azir was not much of a strong pick after the nerfs he went through in 11.3, though it is possible that Morellonomicon's buff could help his position. Twisted Fate and Neeko have not seen any changes this patch, so they will remain in the D-tier for the time being.