League of Legends Patch 11.8 Mid Lane Tier List

AD assassins are still in the meta, with a couple of exceptions.
AD assassins are still in the meta, with a couple of exceptions. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Based on data from recent changes in patches, we have compiled the tier list for mid-lane champions in League of Legends Patch 11.8. The champions named are a few examples of who fits the criteria of each tier, based on what has been working on this patch and the previous one in addition to the statistics and performance of each champion.

League of Legends Patch 11.8 Mid Lane Tier List

S Tier

  • Anivia
  • Kassadin
  • Katarina
  • Yone
  • Zed

Any champion that boasts mobility and burst damage has a spot in this list. Champions like Katarina, Yone, and Zed can easily chase down glass cannons with tools from their kits (some even pass through walls.) Anivia is included because her crowd control can be a literal game-changer, and she has a strong laning phase.

A Tier

  • Ahri
  • Diana
  • Ekko
  • Fizz
  • Yasuo

The champions in this category are dangerous to be close to, and some are incredibly versatile. When a player chooses Yasuo, they could go Yasuo top or a Diana jungler may switch to the middle lane and burst down the opponent. Ahri, Diana and Fizz boast AOE skills that allow them to deal a lot of damage to multiple targets, whereas assassins in lower tiers can normally focus on just one.

B Tier

  • Annie
  • Galio
  • Lissandra
  • Morgana
  • Vladimir

Mages in this tier make your screen go to black and white within milliseconds, especially in the late game phases of the match. Lissandra has been "fixed" with a couple of buffs here, and a few nerfs here, but has definitely gone up the ranks from last season. Other mages with a lot of crowd control like Galio, Annie and Morgana are worth looking out for. However, they are vulnerable to assassins that have more mobility than them.

Not many expected Xin Zhao to be played in the middle lane, but he is.
Not many expected Xin Zhao to be played in the middle lane, but he is. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

C Tier

  • Corki
  • Rumble
  • Seraphine
  • Twisted Fate
  • Xin Zhao

The strength of most of the champions in this list is that in casual games, they can switch roles at any point in the match. Will Rumble change his mind and head to the top lane at the last second? Will Seraphine and the bot lane champion switch places? Another fact worth noting is that there has been a rise in Xin Zhao mid, and he has not been played enough for accurate analytics to predict the future but so far his win-rate has been good in the mid lane and he can burst most squishy mages.

D Tier

  • Azir
  • Irelia
  • Syndra
  • Zoe

Long ago, these champions were performing in a stellar manner but that has not been the case in this patch or previous ones. Be it because of reworks or a barrage of nerfs, each of the champions in this tier has had their numbers decrease more and more with each patch and change.