League of Legends Red Border: What is it and How to Get Rid of It

League of Legends red border has plagued players for years.
The League of Legends red border issue has been an issue dating back to nearly the game’s inception. A PC only issue, not to be confused with mobile. A problem that has plagued many players throughout the 10 years plus of League of Legends, but it seemingly never has a clear-cut, concise answer.
League of Legends Red Border: What is It and How to Get Rid of It
According to multiple players online in various forums, the red border issue does have a cause. When players press their F9 keys, a red border around the game pops up. It’s actually intended for multiple screen usage, making it so the mouse cursor can’t leave the game. This might be helpful for the multiple-monitor gamer, but a nightmare for many that don’t know what it actually is.
If players are experiencing this issue, they can just go back to what caused it. It starts with a single press of the F9 key, in that same manner, players can just press the F9 key and have it all back to normal. Removing the red border around the League game.
Its fault keybind is F9, but can be found in settings > HotKeys > Additional HotKeys > Menus > Toggle Mouse Screen Lock.