League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 1 End Date

Image courtesy of Riot Games.

Gamers are trying to figure out when the League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 1 end date is.

During the season, Riot Games enables players to unlock special rewards across splits. This is a great way to motivate fans to play during multiple points in the season.

So, when does Season 12 Ranked Split 1 end? Here's everything players need to know.

League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 1 End Date

Season 12 Ranked Split 1 is expected to end on April 22. This leaves a little over a month left for fans to play some ranked games. Previously, Riot Games revealed the list of exclusive rewards for Split 1 in Patch 12.1:

  • Vex Summoner Icon
  • Vex Emotes
  • Vex Champion Permanent
  • Series 1 Eternals Capsule

Upon earning those rewards at the end of Split 1, players can expect to see Split 2 begin immediately because Riot Games typically has no breaks between splits.

Ultimately, ranked games are a fun way for gamers to dish out damage solo or tag-team combos with a friend as they face enemy champions in games. It's unique in the way that it highly tests individual skill. Just remember that League fans must have a player level of 30 or above and at least 20 owned champions to participate.