League of Legends Senna Build: How to Build Senna in Patch 9.24

Learning a League of Legends Senna build for Patch 9.24 will start your year off right.
Learning a League of Legends Senna build for Patch 9.24 will start your year off right. / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Learning a League of Legends Senna build for Patch 9.24 will start your year off right. Whether you're a seasoned Senna player comfortable in your role, a beginner picking up the champion for the first time, or one with experience simply looking to change it up a little, read on to get information on the best builds for Senna in Patch 9.24.

League of Legends Senna Build: Support Senna 9.24

Senna's build-in utility, lane harassment tools, and flexibility in build path make her very comfortable playing support. In this position, her runes and item setup change according to the flow of the game. When seeking an aggressive, poke and harass-based lane matchup, take Summon Aery with Domination as a secondary for Taste of Blood. Defensive matchups should consider Resolve secondary as an alternative.

For items, pay strict attention to the role you feel your Senna is providing. If you are a source of damage for your team, build into that with items like Duskblade of Drakkthar, Umbral Glave, and Essence Reaver. For those who are most useful for their utility, itemize like an enchanter-based support, similar to Lulu or Janna. Ardent Censor and Redemption are must-buys in this case.

League of Legends Senna Build: ADC Senna 9.24

Senna's long range and great harass potential make her able to function really well outside of the support role, making frequent showings as an ADC and even occasionally (and often regrettably for the other team) popping up in mid lane.

When playing Senna in a carry role, Fleet Footwork is a prime Keystone Rune, although Glacial Augment can be used in either ADC or Support positions to ensure a painfully hard to escape lane. When itemizing, focus on Lethality items like the aformentioned Duskblade or Glaive, but feel free to sprinkle in items to make your less-than-rapid auto-attacks have strong impact. Blade of the Ruined King and Runaan's Hurricane are both great teamfighting items for Senna to consider.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you lock in my new favorite support champion, and you're sure to see potent results in the new year and the new ranked season soon to come. Good luck out there, summoners!