League of Legends Support Tier List Patch 10.8

League of Legends Patch 10.8 is set to hit live servers on April 15 and here is the League of Legends support tier list for Patch 10.8.
League of Legends Patch 10.8 is set to hit live servers on April 15 and here is the League of Legends support tier list for Patch 10.8. / Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Support tier list for Patch 10.8 will be important to know as the new patch is set to hit live servers April 15. As such, here is the League of Legends support tier list for Patch 10.8 that can help you grind you way up the ranked solo queue ladder.

League of Legends Support Tier List Patch 10.8

League of Legends S Tier Supports

  • Taric
  • Alistar
  • Leona
  • Nautilus
  • Nami

Even though Kalista is set to receive another round of nerfs on League of Legends Patch 10.8, the supports that have traditionally paired well with her kit are still some of the strongest supports in the game. One champion to take note of is Alistar, which has now started to see a lot more picks and usage in League Champions Korea play. His strong and engage oriented kit with Headbutt (W) and Pulverize (Q) make him a strong choice for most team compositions and the health he gains from Unbreakable Will (R) make him a nearly unkillable tank.

League of Legends A Tier Supports

  • Senna
  • Janna
  • Thresh
  • Soraka
  • Bard
  • Braum
  • Thresh
  • Sett
  • Rakan

All the supports in the A Tier, like Bard and Braum, are fine to pick in most games and can even be blind picked when paired with the right team composition and AD carry. Each of the supports offers a unique strength to their team with either engage, peel, or healing. The buffs to Soraka on Patch 10.8 elevate her from the B Tier to the A Tier on Patch 10.8 and may bring her back into the meta given her strength when paired with champions like Olaf.

League of Legends B Tier Supports

  • Sona
  • Blitzcrank
  • Yuumi
  • Zyra
  • Morgana
  • Tahm Kench
  • Karma

The champions in the B Tier are generally weaker versions of A Tier and S Tier supports that often feel bad to play if they get behind early in the game. For example, the engage and pick potential of a Blitzcrank is the same as that of a Nautilus or Leona, but if Blitzcrank falls behind early in the game he has far less utility and peel than other top tier supports. Be cognizant of the matchups in other lanes and the team composition if you're going to blind pick a B Tier support.

League of Legends C Tier Supports

  • Pyke
  • Shen
  • Volibear
  • Brand
  • Maokai
  • Pantheon
  • Swain
  • Veigar
  • Annie
  • Zac

Most of the C Tier supports are only good into certain bot lane matchups and highly contingent upon pairing with an on-theme AD carry. For example, Brand can be a great pick into a Tahm Kench and Varus bot lane because of his ability to poke out the Tahm Kench throughout most of the early and mid game. The main rule with C Tier supports is to only lock them once the enemy team has locked in their support pick.

League of Legends D Tier Supports

  • Shaco
  • Vel'Koz
  • Xerath
  • Galio
  • Poppy
  • Lux
  • Neeko
  • Rumble
  • Malphite
  • Teemo

The D Tier supports should be avoided at all cost, mostly because they lack the utility, crowd control, and healing necessary to be viable in the current meta. They may be good into very specific matchups, but they should generally not be picked until the final stages of the draft and should only be paired with a team composition that can compensate for the weaknesses of the support.