Madden 20 Kicking Meter Glitch: How to Fix it

The Madden 20 kicking meter glitch is frustrating players in droves, preventing them from picking up the extra point they could earn after scoring a touchdown. When games are often decided by a single point, this glitch can be particularly annoying. Here's how to fix it.
Madden 20 Kicking Meter Glitch: How to Fix it
This kick meter glitch prevents players from seeing the kicking meter. Players can still kick the ball, but without the kicking meter, there's no way to control where the ball flies, turning what should be a test of skill into a random shot in the dark.
Electronic Arts has yet to release a fix for the glitch, but fans have figured out workarounds. One player claims that PC players who experience the glitch can solve it by pressing Alt + Tab to select a different window, then return to the Madden window.
Other suggestions include changing the game's antialiasing from MSAA to FXAA.
Fans have yet to discover a universal solution to the glitch.
Photo courtesy of Electronic Arts