MadSeason Quits WoW, Cites Decline of Game and Loss of Passion in Game

A screenshot from MadSeason's most recent video linked below: No King Rules Forever (Quitting WoW)
A screenshot from MadSeason's most recent video linked below: No King Rules Forever (Quitting WoW) / MadSeasonShow on YouTube

MadSeason quits World of Warcraft, releasing an excellent video that sums up the systems that have been slowly killing WoW like heavy microtransactions, encouragement of carry-selling, and lack of initiative on botting and carry-selling, among others.

MadSeason Quits WoW, Cites Decline of Game and Loss of Passion in Game

MadSeasonShow on YouTube quickly became one of the most prominent WoW content creators, starting during the Warlords of Draenor expansion. In terms of the WoW timeline, this would be considered somewhat late to start in the grand scheme of things, but MadSeason is a veteran WoW player who has been playing since Vanilla.

His calming voice, great knowledge of the game, wonderful video editing skills, and ability to break down wide topics into succinct videos are likely some of the reasons people kept coming back.

Like many, MadSeason has shared his grievances on the great decline the game has seen in the past half-decade or so, with many expansions long before Battle for Azeroth having its share of glaring issues.

MadSeason jumps into many of the things that have plagued World of Warcraft: the loss of true character progression that was done so well in vanilla, the heavy focus on microtransactions, the ability to buy gold, which then leads to people spending money on carries with that purchased gold, the list goes on.

This video was scripted, edited, voiced, and released before the allegations came to light about Blizzard's extremely toxic work environment to those under the executive chain of command. The tone of the video reflects this, as the grievances brought up in relation to Blizzard come from the handling of the game, and the decisions made by those in power in terms of the game.

Leave it to MadSeason to perfectly wrap-up just about everything wrong with Blizzard's attitude from a game-design perspective in modern WoW.

Toward the end of the video, MadSeason speaks about his thoughts on WoW content creation: "I feel really frustrated and stifled creatively, because, I've started to lose that passion. Not for video editing, but for the subject matter: World of Warcraft."

MadSeason explains that he wants to make content that he enjoys, saying he has many scripts written up about games he loves, with footage from The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time playing over his explanation. It seems MadSeason may move in the direction of a general video game essay channel instead of a full-blown WoW content creator.

Similar to Preach, MadSeason will no longer cover the day-to-day news, or even big news coming from WoW, seeing as he won't be playing the game anymore, retail or classic WoW.