Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Infinite Morality Points Glitch
By Jack O'Dwyer

Despite its plethora of graphical and performance improvements, one glitch has escaped EA's watchful eye.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition players have stumbled upon a glitched interaction that allows them to farm an infinite amount of Paragon and Renegade morality points. Partway through Mass Effect 1, during their time on Noveria while hunting for Saren, Shepard has the opportunity to engage in a dialogue exchange that can be repeated to max out their Charm and Intimidate skill alongside their morality meters.
ICYMI: You can use the key art customizer to print out a custom insert for your physical package of #MassEffect Legendary Edition!
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) May 15, 2021
Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Infinite Morality Points Glitch
As stated above, this glitch happens on planet Noveria. Players will be directed to speak with a turian business manager working with Synthetic Insights who has recently had his office shut down in response to corrupt allegations. His name is Lorik Qui'in and, with his workplace currently commandeered, he's been spending time at the hotel bar.
Gianna Parasini will give Shepard the tip to speak with him in order to gain access to the garage. The real reason behind this is a spoiler, so we'll have to be a bit vague here and say that Shepard should cooperate with Qui'in in order for the glitch to work.
Following obtaining items for Qui'in, Shepard will be stopped by Parasini and asked to speak in private. According to her, the information and Qui'in's corresponding account of his experience are vital to her current project on Noveria. She asks Shepard to convince Qui'in to publicly testify his experience.
Here's where the glitch can be found: upon successfully convincing Qui'in to testify, players can essentially reset the dialogue by asking him about Matriarch Benezia and then returning to their other questions. This allows them to repeat the encounter as many times as they'd like and bank an unprecedented amount of both Paragon and Renegade points.
EA has yet to comment on the resurfacing of the glitch nor have they alluded to whether or not they plan on fixing it.