Mega Buddy Challenge Pokemon GO: Everything You Need to Know

Mega Buddy Challenge Pokemon GO: How to complete the challenge
Mega Buddy Challenge Pokemon GO: How to complete the challenge / Niantic Labs

Mega Buddy Challenge in Pokemon GO was originally part of the Mega-September month-long event to celebrate the implementation of mega-evolution.

Niantic Labs decided to introduce trainers to the long-awaited mega-evolution mechanic with a month-long event—dubbed Mega-September by trainers. This event featured mega raid bosses, specific PokeStop tasks, and an exclusive research line.

Mega Buddy Challenge Pokemon GO

The Mega Buddy Challenge ran from Sept. 22 at 8 a.m. to Sept. 28 at 10 p.m. It featured double duration for poffins, 12 hour mega-evolution state, large-size Pokemon spawn rate increase, large-size Pokemon raid features, timed and exclusive research, a new photobomb, and the release of two new shiny Pokemon.

Trainers were tasked with catching seven new Pokemon, seven different species of Pokemon, battling another trainer, defeating a Team GO Rocket Grunt, and mega-evolving a Beedrill. Additionally, trainers also had their very own research line which would eventually allow access to Mega Gengar this October. There were four stages to this line with a variety of rewards.

Stage one included the tasks to catch five Pokemon, make five great throws, and give their buddy Pokemon three treats. Trainer rewards for this stage were 35 Mega Beedrill energy, 500 stardust, and 1000 experience points.

Stage two included catching ten Pokemon, using five berries to help in that capture, and earning at least on candy by walking with their buddy. The rewards for this stage were 40 Mega Beedrill energy, 1000 stardust, and 2000 experience points.

Stage three had trainers catch nine different species of Pokemon, mega-evolve any Pokemon they can, and earn seven hearts with their chosen buddy. Rewards for this were 60 Mega Beedrill energy, 1000 stardust, and 2000 experience points.

Stage four told trainers to simply claim their earned rewards—three silver Pinap berries, ten Pokeballs, and five Ultra Balls. They were given a Snorlax encounter, 2500 stardust, and 5000 experience points.

As mentioned before, completing this line allowed access to Mega Gengar with the debut of the 2020 Pokemon GO Halloween event.