Modern Warfare Playlist Update: Multiplayer Modes Available as of Jan. 22
By Liam Gambon
One of Modern Warfare's most loved aspects is the Multiplayer Game Modes where friends and strangers come together to battle it out.
With a new patch update set to be released today, it's time to review all of the game modes Modern Warfare has to this point.
1. Team Deathmatch
The most classic and basic game mode in Call of Duty history, the Team Deathmatch. This mode pits two teams against one another and the two are meant to fight to the death until one side earns 100 points through kills, giving them the victory.
2. Search and Destroy
This game mode involves two teams fighting against one another like in Team Deathmatch, but with a twist. Instead of the objective being to kill everyone, the objective in Search and Destroy is to either destroy the objective or defend it.
3. Free-for-All
This mode is pure chaos as there are no teams, everyone is for themselves. Each player's objective is to kill as many other players as they can until someone reaches the score that ends the game. The top-three scores win the match.
Modern Warfare Playlist Update: Multiplayer Modes Available as of Jan. 22
Following these there is also,
- Cyber Attack (teams must retrieve an EMP and detonate it in the enemy's base.)
- Domination (Both teams attempt to capture every zone on the map.)
- Headquarters (Teams must capture and hold headquarters to win.)
- Hardpoint (Both teams fight for a specific location on the map and attempt to hold it until the next zone appears.)
- Gunfight (In multiple rounds both teams kill one another until at least one player is left and that team wins the round.)
- Kill Confirmed (Like Team Deathmatch you must kill the other team's players, but to earn points you have to pick up the player's dogtag.)
- Cranked (Team Deathmatch but players must collect kills before a thirty second timer ends.)
- Reinforce (Teams are tasked with capturing flags to win rounds and can revive dead teammates when one is captured.)
- Crash 24/7 (Multiple game modes taking place at the map Crash.)
- Infected (The infected player's objective is to infect everyone.)
With the new patch update set to be released today, there will be more fun game modes to add to this list and play.